BOATS, FLOAT TUBES and KICKBOATS Whatever you call them, No matter how they are constructed, weather it be out of Styrofoam, Plastic, Rubber, Fiberglass or Bamboo Sticks... Kickboats all serve the same purpose! To boldly go where no man on foot or on a big clumbsy, noisey boat can go. As you can see by the background image on this page. (To view the background image, scroll to the bottom of the screen or press your "END" button.) There are a wide variety of Kickboats you can choose from. Ranging from Innertubes to Rafts with the bottom taken out to Pontoons. Simply put, You sit on them or in them. They are compact, Lightweight easy to maneuver and inexpensive as far as boats go. When you use a kickboat, you travel backwards using Swim Fins to propell yourself, when you hook into a fish no matter how small or how large, you are always facing your catch.
Here is a money saving tip...
GET FLIPPERS THAT FLOAT! or find a way to strap them to
your ankle or pants. If you are using a kickboat that you
sit on top of, please tie a safety strap on and ALWAYS
use a Coast Guard Approved(CGA) Life Jacket. I suggest
you even use a life jacket with a innertube type kickboat. Wear a set of oversized suspenders with an innertube type kickboat to make it easier to move around on land. If you'd like to build your own KickBoat, Mine is called "The Bass Kik'r" İMZI, I can instruct you on How to go about building your own. I'm in the process of drawing up plans to be sold to anyone interested in building their own Kickboat(s). Feel free to contact me via E-mail if you are interested, I'll soon be adding a picture of (MY) used and worn out Kickboat to this section... My Kickboat is over 6 years old, And still Kik'n! I don't use it as much as I used to because I've recently gotten heavy into SURF FISHING., I just had an idea.... I could probably use it to take out my baits while SURF FISHING...Hmmmmm... be
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