Build your own DEE's
By: Phillip Dees

I used a plain wooden paint roller handle (about 5'
long), a fiberglass
insulation rod that you can get at a feed store. The
fiberglass rod is about
3/8" diameter and white. I used a hacksaw to
cut the fiberglass rod down to
about 18".
At the end of the roller handle I drilled a 7" deep
hole with a 3/8" drill
bit. You have to be careful to get the hole perfectly in
the center and keep
it centered as you drill it into the wood. When I
had the hole drilled I
used the hacksaw to cut across the rod at 90 degree
angles about 6" down.
fill the hole with wood glue or a slimy adhesive of your
choice and insert
the fiberglass rod.
The purpose of the 'X' in the end of the wood is so you
can use wire,
string, or a rubber type tape to compress the wood around
the fiberglass
rod. I have a compression tape used in the
Electrical Utilities industry
that works wonderful. I then topped that with a
"friction tape" that is a
cloth style tape that is coated with a tar like compound
that seals great.
The fiberglass rod can be sharpened with any old file and
is quite strong
and resilient.
If you want to add a barb I recommend drilling a hole at
a 45 to 60 degree
angle about 3" from the tip and using a nail that
you can epoxy in, however
I have found that it isn't really necessary.
Thanks Phil!
Here is my drawing for a box to Un-Gig
your catch.
